Just thinking about how I'm going to decide the direction I should take for my family concerning the Church. I'm perplexed. I don't feel like I'm pursuing this enough. I don't think I'm asking, seeking and knocking enough. I really need to get on the ball about this. Sometimes I just want to jump in and say go with the Catholic church. Just go with it! Whats going to happen? I might get disappointed and look like a fool. I might lead my family into a culture and lifestyle that is completely at odds with my family, coworkers and most everyone else in this area. I'd be such an odd ball in my community. But who cares? I don't participate in anything in my community anyway. The Catholic church could turn out to be a boring and lifeless organization that has no real effect on my family's life. Alot like the Methodist church I went to when I was growing up. But even in the Methodist church I felt like I was doing God's will when I attended. I pray that God will give me discernment.
I'm really glad its the fall season. I love the fall season.