Friday, April 03, 2009

Time to speak up...

You are already likely aware of the direct attacks against conscience rights in health care. This is a serious tactic serving the culture of death in our country. Most recently, the new Administration has moved to rescind the Bush Administration's HHS regulation implementing long-standing (but also long-under-enforced!) federal conscience protection laws. As a result, OB/GYN's and other medical personnel will continue experiencing pressure to perform or refer for abortion or get out of the practice of medicine. If the regulation is rescinded, they will have no any formal recourse to register their complaints!

Pregnancy is not a disease, and abortion is not health care. Good doctors and nurses know this in their deepest core.

We must speak up now to protect their conscience rights! The public was given 30 days to express their urgent support for the regulation. The comment period ends next week on Thursday, April 9.

HHS is required to read and count every message they receive. Will you help us get the word out and mobilize pro-life America in defense of conscience rights?

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